Collection: Rabbit Urns

The love and companionship you get from a pet rabbit are truly unique. These fun, frolicsome pets are always able to put a smile on our faces with their gentle nature and playful spirit. Experiencing the passing of a pet rabbit is always hard, especially if your beloved bunny has been with you for years.

Eternal Urns offers a collection of rabbit cremation urns that are designed with love and care to provide a touching tribute to the memory of your departed long-eared friend. Each rabbit urn is crafted with the highest standards of care and skill and from only the best quality materials. They come in a range of fantastic designs from novelty rabbit cremation urns to more traditional designs so you are sure to find exactly what you are looking for.

Browse our full rabbit cremation urn collection today and find the perfect way to memorialise your beloved pet rabbit and give them a stunning final home.