How to Decant Ashes Into an Urn

Knowing how to decant ashes into an urn is incredibly important in dealing with the passing of a loved one. You'll need to know how to do this in order to transfer their ashes from the plastic cremation container they arrive in into something more suitable for the long term. In this article we will discuss the best ways to decant ashes into an urn for ashes So that you can properly honour your loved ones life and memorialisation.
Decanting Ashes Into an Urn; A Step by Step
To decant your loved ones ashes into their permanent urn, you will want to follow a couple of these simple steps.
Prepare the Area
Firstly you're going to want to prepare the area in which you're going to conduct the decanting process. You will want to select an area in which you can decant which is free of distractions, any strong moving wind such as from a fan or open window, free of any foot traffic such as children or pets and in a well lit, clean environment.
Gather Your Tools
Next you will need to gather all the necessary tools and materials for the decanting process. The tools you'll need include a funnel, flathead or Phillips screwdriver (depending on the plastic cremation box), the plastic cremation box itself and finally your loved ones urn for ashes. It will also help to decanter on a desk that is clean of any other items and is non porous or at least covered so any potential spilled ash can be collected easily.
Open the Plastic Cremation Container
Next you want to open the plastic cremation container which contains your loved ones ashes. If you receive your loved ones ashes in any other type of container then just open that carefully and in a way which won't lead to any spillage. Normally your loved ones ashes will come in a plastic cremation container which is standardly used for most funeral homes and crematoriums.
Steady the Urn
Make sure to open the urn that you will be decanting your loved ones ashes into and also ensure that it is on a flat and stable surface. You then want to place the aforementioned funnel into the urn to allow you an easy way to decant the ashes. Once everything is prepared you are then ready for the next step.
Begin Decanting
While holding the opened plastic cremation box, carefully tip it over the funnel until you can see the ashes starting to fall gently into the funnel and then further into the urn. If you don't see any spillage then proceed to keep pouring the ashes through the funnel until it is completely empty. If you find that the funnel is moving or you're having any other difficulties, make sure to ask someone for help either in holding the funnel or in pouring the ashes.
Close the Urn
Once the ashes have been fully decanted into your loved ones urn Then you can proceed to remove the funnel and discard the plastic cremation box. Grab the lid and then gently close the urn until it is completely tight and can no longer rotate. At this point you are finished decanting your loved ones ashes. You can also consider sealing the urn at this point if you feel that is necessary.
Knowing how to decant their ashes is an important step in dealing with your loved ones' passing. If you feel like it is a difficult task or are unwilling to do so yourself, ask the funeral home which you are using to decant the ashes for you. They will most likely be more than happy to help. As Australia's largest urn store, Eternal Urns has an extensive range of the best quality urns available, so check out our range today.