How Much Does it Cost to be Cremated in Australia?
Losing a loved one is hard, and it's not made any easier by the high costs associated with end of life funerary rites. Funerals are expensive which is why many Aussie families are opting for cremations instead of the traditional burial. This is because the costs regarding cremation are much lower compared to funerals. In today's article, we’ll be examining how much it costs to be cremated in Australia and some tips in reducing the price.
What is the average cost?
The average cost of a cremation can vary depending on the type of cremation you choose, as well as other factors. There are three main types of cremation services: direct cremation, single service cremation and dual serviced cremation. A direct cremation has no service or attendance, your loved ones remains are cremated privately and returned to you. It is up to you to arrange your own memorial if you so desire. The average cost for this type of cremation is $3500 Australia wide. A single service cremation includes a ceremony which is normally conducted by a celebrant or religious figure at either a church, chapel or crematorium. This type of cremation averages $6000 Australia wide. A dual service cremation is a funeral held in two parts. The first part usually occurs at a chosen venue such as a church or chapel, and the second service is held at the crematorium. This service has an average cost of $6350 Australia wide. Some things to keep note of is that this typically only includes the transport, coffin, cremation free, certificates and permits. Generally it will not include costs such as flowers, notices or catering as well as other costs. Other aspects that can increase the cost of a funeral include what urn, casket and celebrant are selected. Another thing to keep in mind is that these are Australian wide averages so the cost will vary, sometimes quite drastically depending on the state or territory you reside in. Something to keep in mind is that pet cremation costs will be much more different than human cremations.Â
How can you reduce the cost?
While funerals can be expensive, not every part of the funeral must be. You are already on the right track choosing a cremation over burial, as precious land space is the main reason why burials are more expensive than cremations. Something else you can do to save money is to compare funeral services. Some funeral places charge more than others, and while this may come with certain benefits or privileges, it's important to shop around and see what is right for your family and budget. Choosing a basic wooden coffin for the cremation will also help you to save as well, as other coffins will have a much more drastic increase in price for marginal benefit. One big saving to be made is deciding what to do with the cremains. If you want them to be stored in a burial urn then there are many different options available. Materials, designs and size all play a role in determining the cost. We have written a detailed guide on this very topic which you can view here. Scattering tubes can normally cost anywhere between $50-$100, making them the most affordable option to choose if you want to scatter the ashes of your loved one.Â
While this is a difficult process, we hope we have made this easier for you by giving you a good outline on the cost of the average cremation in Australia. By knowing the averages and what to look for, as well as some helpful tips on bringing the price down, you can make this time easier on your finances. As Australia's largest urn store, Eternal Urns has an extensive range of the best quality urns and scattering tubes available, so check out our range today.